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leadership training

Donate and Help a Child Transform

When you donate, you contribute towards a transformed world where every child enjoys their rights and is nurtured to become an amazing future leader.


Faith And Community

Kids Camp is one approach we use to raise young children and communities of faith. Children attend bible study and are guided by their leaders to understand the nature of…

Leadership Training

Playing football isn't just about scoring goals. it's a powerful leadership training ground with teamwork, communication, strategic thinking, and resilience all part of the game. The field is where leaders…

Relief Assistance

Sharing is one way of recognizing God’s love and kindness. Join us to make lives better by giving back to the communities in need, building shelter, clothing and feeding them.…

Health Care Services

We believe that access to quality healthcare for all is a fundamental right. Donate to help extend quality health services to those living in hard to reach areas.  DONATE  …

Small Business Development

Small businesses help communities grow. They give people jobs and enable them to provide for themselves. When we give a small loan, people become successful and make their community better.…

Child Care

Child care is a very important aspect of ensuring a brighter future for young minds. By providing resources and guidance, we empower young ones to thrive, breaking cycles of poverty.…

rabbit rearing

In every community we partner with donors to start projects that will one day become self-sustaining