HH Christian Mission, Commitment and Approach

Mission Statement

Harvest Hand’s mission is to work with people that are disadvantaged and vulnerable, putting Jesus at the centre of the work, and forming partnerships, programs, projects and small business enterprises which transform local communities to provide for themselves and give witness to God’s love and presence.

Vision Statement

Harvest Hands is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organization working to overcome injustice and poverty. We believe transformation comes when people are committed to Jesus and empowered to care for their needs.

As taught by Jesus, all people are loved, irrespective of age, gender, race or religion, and our work is to make disciples, and protect and empower the vulnerable and needy.

Objectives and Values

  1. Jesus is central to our work

  2. Build awareness of Jesus work and his love for people and creation

  3. Transformation through integration of Christian spiritual development and meeting people’s physical needs.

  4. Seek out the neediest, neglected or abused.

  5. Work for unity in the Christian church

  6. Work for justice and civil peace

  7. Allow progressive thinking to match people’s needs in a culturally appropriate way.

  8. Committed to working for long term sustainable development

  9. Build partnerships through equal participation

  10. Act in ways that protect the environment and model good stewardship.

  11. Dialogue with and respect other humanitarian organizations.

  12. Work by cooperation and share our ideas willingly

Statement of Faith

  1. There is one God, existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  2. For mankind, Jesus is the only way to God and eternal life.

  3. Jesus calls us to put him first in our lives.

  4. That without regeneration by the Holy Sprit, eternal life and life with God cannot be received.

  5. The Bible is the inspired Word of God.

  6. We are called to make disciples for Jesus throughout the world, and strengthen and equip the Christian church to carry out Jesus’ mission.

  7. That the Apostles Creed accurately describes the tenants of our beliefs.

Board of Directors

Dee Hansen

John Paul Repke

Mark Kroeger

Richard Emmens

Dan Lundmark

Tim Specht

Executive Director